Product | Description | Price | Purchase | hf:categories |
AALW Air Law Document Package (CAR/CASR/MOS/CAO) $225 | AALW Air Law Document Package includes the following printed CASA Documents Permitted Material which has been extracted specifically for the ATPL Air Law Examination and Study purposes. RRP $265/AFT $225
Printed in 2 Binders. | $225.00 | | atpl-aeroplane atpl-helicopter study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Add-On CFPH Pack | “Add-On CFPH Pack” is used in conjunction with our CPL Helicopter Operations, Performance and Planning Distance Learning Course and contains the following items:
| $114.00 | | cpl-helicopter study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Add-On CLWH All Pack | “Add-On CLWH All Pack” is used in conjunction with our CPL Helicopter Flight Rules and Air Law Distance Learning Course and contains the following items:
| $178.00 | | cpl-helicopter study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Add-On CLWH Pack | “Add-On CLWH Pack” is used in conjunction with our CPL Helicopter Flight Rules and Air Law Distance Learning Course and contains the following items:
| $114.00 | | cpl-helicopter study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Add-On CMET Pack | “Add-On CMET Pack” is used in conjunction with our CPL Helicopter Meteorology Distance Learning Course and contains the following items:
| $102.00 | | cpl-helicopter study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Add-On CNAV Pack | “Add-On CNAV Pack” is used in conjunction with our CPL Helicopter Navigation Distance Learning Course and contains the following items:
| $114.00 | | cpl-helicopter study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CLWH Flight Rules and Air Law Document Package | CLWH Flight Rules and Air Law Document Package includes the following printed CASA Documents Permitted Material which has been extracted specifically for the CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law CASA Examination. Printed in 2 Binders. CAR 1988
| $180.00 | | cpl-helicopter study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
AFPA Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x ATPL (Aeroplane) Flight Planning (AFPA) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Worked solutions, Random Question Generator (RGQ) access, course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s).
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There are million’s of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! | $260.00 | | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
APLA Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x ATPL (Aeroplane) Performance and Loading (APLA) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Worked solutions, Random Question Generator (RGQ) access, course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s).
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There a million’s of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! | $240.00 | | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
ANAV Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x ATPL Navigation (ANAV) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Worked solutions, Random Question Generator (RQG) access, course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s).
Each RQG creates a brand new, never-before-seen question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! | $240.00 | | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
AASA Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x ATPL (Aeroplane) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems (AASA) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $240.00 | | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
AMET Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x ATPL Meteorology (AMET) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $190.00 | | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
AHUF Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x ATPL Human Factors (AHUF) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $190.00 | | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
AALW Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x ATPL Air Law (AALW) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $190.00 | | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
CPL Meteorology Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our CPL Meteorology Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. Please ask us if you require a Resit Quote. | cplh-ftgs-course-resits cpl-helicopter-theory | ||
CPL Navigation Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our CPL Navigation Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. Please ask us if you require a Resit Quote. | cplh-ftgs-course-resits cpl-helicopter-theory | ||
CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. Please ask us if you require a Resit Quote. | cplh-ftgs-course-resits cpl-helicopter-theory | ||
CPL(H) Aerodynamics Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our CPL(H) Aerodynamics Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. Please ask us if you require a Resit Quote. | cplh-ftgs-course-resits cpl-helicopter-theory | ||
AASH Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x ATPL (Helicopter) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems (AASH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $240.00 | | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) | Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Australia consists of a package of documents which provide all the operational information necessary for the safe and efficient conduct of national (civil) and international air navigation throughout Australia and its Territories. The AIP text is issued in a hard cover binder and includes the Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) and (AIP) supplement text and dividers. AIP Supplements (SUPs) include operational information appropriate to the AIP. A SUP is published when the information is of a temporary nature and requires advanced notification. Aeronautical Information Circulars (AICs) contain information of a technical nature and are generally educational, giving advance notice of new facilities, services and procedures. Includes: AIP Book & SUP/AIC Text, Standard Binder, Divider Tabs Please Note: This package DOES NOT include an amendment service. If you would like to arrange an amendment service for this product you can do so through Airservices directly – Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $78.00 | | airservices-publications pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
AFPH Practice CyberExams - Only Available with AFT's Distance Learning Course | Access to our ATPL(Helicopter) Flight Planning (AFPH) Practice CyberExams is only available by purchasing our Distance Learning Course. To purchase the Distance Learning Course Click Here. | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams | ||
AFT CyberExams - PREMIUM Marking Credits | Additional Re-Sit Credits can only be issued to and used by students who have an existing Practice CyberExam Account and subject access. Additional Marking Credits will be added to your account within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day if ordered outside normal hours. PLEASE NOTE: Purchasing CyberExam Marking Credits will not allow you to generate exams for subjects you do not have existing permissions for. Please check your CyberExam account before purchasing to ensure you have access to the subject you require. Additional Marking Credits are designed to give you extra marking access to subjects you already have. AFT Premium Re-Sit Credits will allow you to re-sit the following AFT CyberExams.
| $15.00 | | cyberexam-additional-marking-credits aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
AFT CyberExams - STANDARD Marking Credits | Additional Re-Sit Credits can only be issued to and used by students who have an existing Practice CyberExam Account and subject access. Additional Marking Credits will be added to your account within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day if ordered outside normal hours. PLEASE NOTE: Purchasing CyberExam Marking Credits will not allow you to generate exams for subjects you do not have existing permissions for. Please check your CyberExam account before purchasing to ensure you have access to the subject you require. Additional Marking Credits are designed to give you extra marking access to subjects you already have. AFT Standard RE-Sit Credits will allow you to re-sit the following AFT CyberExams:
| $12.00 | | cyberexam-additional-marking-credits aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
AIP and DAP Binder - Airservices Australia | Airservices Australia Binder to fit AIP and DAP’s. 38mm ring capacity, Weighing approx. 350 grams and can hold up to 550 pages of ASA new light weight paper. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $24.00 | | publication-binders-dividers pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Pilot Logbook - Air Services Australia | A Pilot’s log book must be kept by pilots in accordance with CAR 5.51. Airservices Australia has produced a new and improved Pilot Logbook. This was developed with advice from: Features include: Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $28.00 | | pilot-logbooks-licence-folders pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Pilot Logbook - Aviation Theory Centre | Your log book is a proud personal record of your flying. The ATC Logbook offers a convenient design which fully complies with CASA requirements.Due to increased cost of production we have been forced to marginally increase the retail price of our standard logbook. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $35.00 | | pilot-logbooks-licence-folders pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Airservices Australia Leather Licence Holder | The Airservices Australia Leather Licence Holder, allows you to hold you pilot documents, such as licenses, ratings or any other smaller sized documents in this professional genuine leather folder. Size: 160mm x 120mm Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $47.00 | | pilot-logbooks-licence-folders pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
AOSA Overseas ATPL Aeroplane Distance Learning Conversion Course | A holder of a valid foreign ATPL licence that has been issued by an ICAO Contracting State, may convert this licence to an Australian ATPL, by passing a two-part exam (each Part to be attempted separately). The conversion exam requires passes in the ATPL Human Factors exam (AHUF) and the ATPL overseas conversion exam (AOSA). The AOSA examination is a 3 hour exam requiring an 80% pass mark which covers the following unit codes for knowledge standards in Schedule 3 of the MOS – CLWA, AALW and AMET. Note: It is also a requirement to hold a multi engine command instrument rating for the issue of an aeroplane ATPL. This requires a pass in the IREX exam and the instrument rating flight test (Please note that as of December 2018, a new exemption for applicants of an ATPL(A) removing the requirement, for pilots who hold an instrument rating (granted in accordance with Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (TTMRA)—to pass the instrument rating theory examination (IREX). This applies to New Zealand Trans Tasman conversions only). This Study Package includes material to prepare you for the CLWA, AALW, AMET and AHUF theory examinations. CLWA – Includes Bob Tait CPL Aeroplane Flight Rules and Air Law Textbook AALW – Includes Advanced Flight Theory’s ATPL Air Law Distance Learning Course including access to online AALW Practice CyberExams. AMET – Includes Advanced Flight Theory’s ATPL Meteorology Distance Learning Course including access to online AMET Practice CyberExams. AHUF – Includes Advanced Flight Theory’s ATPL Human Factors Distance Learning Course including access to online AHUF Practice CyberExams. AOSA – Includes NEW Advanced Flight Theory Practice AOSA CyberExams. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams, you will also need the items in the AOSA – ATPL Overseas Conversion (Aeroplane) Exam Document Package. These items are not included in the price of the Distance Learning Course. They may be purchased by clicking on the ‘STUDY DOCUMENT PACKAGES’ button on the side menu. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. | $1,254.00 | | aosa-overseas-atpl-aeroplane-conversion overseas-licence-conversions |
AOSA Overseas ATPL Aeroplane Conversion Document Package | This package contains all permitted material required for the AOSA – ATPL Overseas Conversion (Aeroplane) Examination as per CASA’s Permitted Material Under Part 61 list – This package contains:
Please Note: This package DOES NOT include an amendment service. If you would like to arrange an amendment service for this product you can do so through Airservices directly – Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $661.50 | | aosa-overseas-atpl-aeroplane-conversion overseas-licence-conversions |
AOSH Overseas ATPL Helicopter Distance Learning Conversion Course | A holder of a valid foreign ATPL licence that has been issued by an ICAO Contracting State, may convert this licence to an Australian ATPL, by passing a two-part exam (each Part to be attempted separately). The conversion exam requires passes in the ATPL Human Factors exam (AHUF) and the ATPL overseas conversion exam (AOSH). The AOSH examination is a 3 hour exam requiring an 80% pass mark which covers the following unit codes for knowledge standards in Schedule 3 of the MOS -CLWH, AALW and CMET. This package contains all permitted material required for the AOSH Examination as per CASA’s Permitted Material Under Part 61 list – This Study Package includes material to prepare you for the CLWH, AALW, CMET and AHUF theory examinations. CLWH – Includes Advanced Flight Theory’s Helicopter Flight Rules and Air Law Distance Learning Course including access to online CLWH Practice CyberExams. AALW – Includes Advanced Flight Theory’s ATPL Air Law Distance Learning Course including access to online AALW Practice CyberExams. CMET – Includes Advanced Flight Theory’s CPL Meteorology Distance Learning Course including access to online CMET Practice CyberExams. AHUF – Includes Advanced Flight Theory’s ATPL Human Factors Distance Learning Course including access to online AHUF Practice CyberExams. AOSH – Includes NEW Advanced Flight Theory Practice CyberExams. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams, you will also need the items in the AOSA – ATPL Overseas Conversion (Helicopter) Exam Document Package. These items are not included in the price of the Distance Learning Course. They may be purchased by clicking on the ‘STUDY DOCUMENT PACKAGES’ button on the side menu. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. | $1,590.00 | | aosh-overseas-atpl-helicopter-conversion overseas-licence-conversions |
AOSH Overseas ATPL Helicopter Conversion Document Package | This package contains all permitted material required for the AOSH – ATPL Overseas Conversion (Helicopter) Examination as per CASA’s Permitted Material Under Part 61 list – This package contains:
Please Note: This package DOES NOT include an amendment service. If you would like to arrange an amendment service for this product you can do so through Airservices directly – Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $661.50 | | aosh-overseas-atpl-helicopter-conversion overseas-licence-conversions |
AOSA Practice CyberExams - Only Available with AFT's Distance Learning Course | Access to our ATPL(Aeroplane) Overseas Conversion Practice CyberExams is only available by purchasing our Distance Learning Course. To purchase the Distance Learning Course Click Here. | aosa-overseas-atpl-aeroplane-conversion atpl-practice-cyberexams overseas-licence-conversions aft-online-practice-cyberexams | ||
AOSH Practice CyberExams - Only Available with AFT's Distance Learning Course | Access to our ATPL(Helicopter) Overseas Conversion Practice CyberExams is only available by purchasing our Distance Learning Course. To purchase the Distance Learning Course Click Here. | aosh-overseas-atpl-helicopter-conversion atpl-practice-cyberexams overseas-licence-conversions aft-online-practice-cyberexams | ||
APLH Practice CyberExams - Only Available with AFT's Distance Learning Course | Access to our ATPL(Helicopter) Performance and Loading (APLH) Practice CyberExams is only available by purchasing our Distance Learning Course. To purchase the Distance Learning Course Click Here. | atpl-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams | ||
Navigation Protractor | Protractor designed for air navigation. Specifications:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $18.00 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CASA Style Desktop Calculator - Aurora DT210 | It is now a requirement to provide your own calculator when sitting CASA theory examinations. The Aurora DT210 calculator has for previously been the calculator provided by CASA for the theory examinations. During your theory course you will develop calculator motor skills and a change in the calculator layout on exam day can cause unnecessary delay. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $25.00 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ASA E6-B2 Flight Computer | High quality aluminum E6-B manual flight planning computer. Vinyl case and instruction booklet included. The best slide-rule-style flight computer on the market, with solid aluminum construction and easy-to-read lettering. ASA’s E6-B features a wind component grid and comprehensive crosswind correction chart, and on the other side the slide computes time, speed, distance, altitude, true airspeed, and density altitude problems as well as conversions. Nautical and statute scales are included. Vinyl case and instruction booklet included. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $89.00 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ASA E6B Circular Flight Computer | Must need for ATPL(A) Flight Planning.
High quality, easy-to-read circular flight planning computer for performing flight calculations. Vinyl case and instruction booklet included.
The E6B Circular Flight Computer combines high-quality construction with easy-to-read lettering to deliver the most efficient, accurate, and convenient manual flight computer available. Perform multiple calculations ranging from basic arithmetic and flight planning problems to complex in-flight computations.
The calculator side of the computer uses conventional slide rule procedures to solve for multiplication, division, and unit conversion and employs scales for performing time, speed, distance, rate, fuel consumption, altitude, airspeed, air temperature, and pressure pattern calculations.
The wind side of the computer provides a graphic method of solving problems and displaying the answers in a useful form. Use the wind side for simple addition and subraction problems and also to solve for true wind, winds in flight, true course and ground speed, true heading and true airspeed, and off-course correction calculations. The matte finish on the wind side of the calculator can be marked with a pencil during use, and easly wiped clean to allow input for the next problem.
The E6B Circular Flight Computer is a great tool to use during flight planning, flight training or studying, and may be used during FAA written knowledge exams. Pilots flying faster aircraft at higher altitudes will find this computer useful in gaining insight to the external atmospheric conditions and the effects they have on in-flight performance.
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $75.00 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Scale Ruler - 180nm | Scale Ruler Large
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $20.50 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ATPL Aeroplane Document Package | This package contains all permitted documents required for the ATPL Aeroplane CASA Examinations as per CASA’s Permitted Material Under Part 61 list.
Also included is the AALW Air Law Document Package which include the following printed CASA Documents which have been extracted specifically for the ATPL Air Law AALW Examination by Nathan Higgins – printed in 2 binders suitable for taking into the AALW or AOSA Examination.
Please Note: All packages DO NOT include an amendment service. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. | $342.00 | | atpl-aeroplane study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Scale Ruler - 120nm | Scale Ruler Medium
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $16.50 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ATPL Aeroplane Map Package | This package contains:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $158.50 | | atpl-aeroplane study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Scale Ruler - 80nm | Scale Ruler Mini
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $12.50 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ATPL(A) 7 Subject Distance Learning Course Package | Choose this option to purchase ATPL(A) Distance Learning material to study the following subjects:
Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams, you will also need the items in the ATPL Aeroplane Map Package and ATPL Aeroplane Document Package. These items are not included in the price of the Distance Learning Course. They may be purchased in the STUDY DOCUMENT PACKAGES shop. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s ATPL Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. On completion of the exam, a full KDR with CASA Syllabus reference is displayed on screen and a copy of the KDR is emailed to you. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Worked solutions, course support, upgrade options and access to our Random Question Generator is also included. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s).
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! View our RQG demo by clicking here: Please note – It is highly recommended that you complete the ATPL(A) Performance and Loading course before completing ATPL(A) Flight Planning as many of the concepts in Flight Planning are first introduced in Performance and Loading. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. | $3,990.00 | | atpla-distance-learning-courses atpl-aeroplane-theory |
Faber-Castell Quick Set Compass/Divider | – Great navigation tool for measuring distances on maps Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $28.00 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ATPL(A) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the ATPL Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems Distance Learning course. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s AASA Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Distance Learning Course support is also included. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. There is no Permitted Material required to take into the ATPL Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems CASA Examination. | $858.00 | | atpla-distance-learning-courses atpl-aeroplane-theory |
ATPL(A) Flight Planning Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the ATPL(A) Flight Planning Distance Learning course. It is highly recommended that you complete the ATPL(A) Performance and Loading course before completing ATPL(A) Flight Planning as many of the concepts in Flight Planning are first introduced in Performance and Loading. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items:
These items are available for purchase in the PILOT SUPPLY SHOP. *Note: B727 Performance and Operating Handbook is included with Distance Learning Course material. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s AFPA Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s).
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! Distance Learning Course support is also included. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. | $999.00 | | atpla-distance-learning-courses atpl-aeroplane-theory |
ATPL(A) Performance and Loading Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the ATPL(A) Performance and Loading Distance Learning course. It is highly recommended that you complete the Performance and Loading course before completing Flight Planning as many of the concepts in Flight Planning are first introduced in Performance and Loading. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items:
These items are available for purchase in the PILOT SUPPLY SHOP. *Note: B727 Performance and Operating Handbook is included with Distance Learning Course material. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s ATPL Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Worked solutions, course support, upgrade options and access to our Random Question Generator is also included. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s).
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. | $737.00 | | atpla-distance-learning-courses atpl-aeroplane-theory |
ATPL Helicopter Theory Course - 7 Subject Package | Choose this option to purchase ATPL(H) Distance Learning/Online course material to study the following subjects:
Our discounted course package for $3990.00 gives you a saving of $272.00 compared to purchasing each subject individually. With the introduction of our unique “Random Question Generator’s” for the following topics we have found that students are able to easily study for their ATPL Helicopter Theory qualification via our new combination Distance Learning/Online Practice Question Generator’s. Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! ATPL Helicopter Flight Planning:
ATPL Helicopter Performance and Loading:
ATPL Navigation:
With phone and email support and guidance from our ATPL Theory Instructor Warren McIvor, our students have been very successful in studying Flight Planning and Performance and Loading without attending our full-time course. Full-time course upgrade options are available for Navigation (ANAV) and Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems (AASH) with our ATPL Instructor Nathan Higgins. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams, you will also need the items in the ATPL Helicopter Map Package and ATPL Helicopter Document Package. These items are not included in the price of the Distance Learning Course. They may be purchased by clicking on the ‘STUDY DOCUMENT PACKAGES’ button on the side menu. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. | $3,990.00 | | atpl-helicopter-theory |
ATPL Human Factors Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the ATPL Human Factors Distance Learning course. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s AHUF Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Distance Learning Course support is also included. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. There is no Permitted Material required to take into the ATPL Human Factors CASA Examination. | $295.00 | | atpl-helicopter-theory atpla-distance-learning-courses atpl-aeroplane-theory |
ATPL Air Law Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the ATPL Air Law Distance Learning course which includes the latest updated course version. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items which can be purchased as an add-on option for $225 from our online store.
You will also need to purchase the following items:
These items are available for purchase in the PILOT SUPPLY SHOP. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s AALW Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Distance Learning Course support is also included. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. | $295.00 | | atpl-helicopter-theory atpla-distance-learning-courses atpl-aeroplane-theory |
ATPL Helicopter Document Package | This package contains all permitted documents required for the ATPL Helicopter AALW or AOSH CASA Examinations as per CASA’s Permitted Material Under Part 61 list.
Also included is 2 AALW Air Law Document Binders which include the following printed CASA Documents which have been extracted specifically for the ATPL Air Law Examination by Nathan Higgins – printed in 2 binders suitable for taking into the ATPL Helicopter AALW or AOSH.
Please Note: All package DO NOT include an amendment service. If you would like to arrange an amendment service for this product you can do so through Airservices directly – Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. | $342.00 | | atpl-helicopter study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ATPL Helicopter Map Package | This package contains:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $158.50 | | atpl-helicopter study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ATPL Meteorology Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the ATPL Meteorology Distance Learning course. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items:
These items are available for purchase in the PILOT SUPPLY SHOP. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s AMET Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Distance Learning Course support is also included. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. | $325.00 | | atpl-helicopter-theory atpla-distance-learning-courses atpl-aeroplane-theory |
ATPL(H) Flight Planning - Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the ATPL(H) Flight Planning Distance Learning course. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s ATPL Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. On completion of the exam, a full KDR with CASA Syllabus reference is displayed on screen and a copy of the KDR is emailed to you. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: S76 Performance and Operating Handbook, Worked solutions, course support, and access to our Random Question Generator is also included. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). ATPL(H) Flight Planning Random Question Generators:
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items:
These items are available for purchase in the PILOT SUPPLY SHOP. | $795.00 | | atpl-helicopter-theory |
ATPL(H) Performance and Loading - Distance Learning Course | IMPORTANT Before attempting the ATPL(H) Performance and Loading course, you MUST have completed the ATPL(H) Flight Planning course. The following notes have been written assuming you have a good understanding of ATPL(H) Flight Planning. Choose this option to purchase the ATPL(H) Performance and Loading Distance Learning course. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s ATPL Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Worked solutions, course support, and access to our Random Question Generator is also included. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). ATPL(H) Performance and Loading Random Question Generators:
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items:
These items are available for purchase by clicking the PILOT SUPPLY SHOP. | $957.00 | | atpl-helicopter-theory |
ATPL Navigation Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the ATPL Navigation Distance Learning course. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items:
These items are available for purchase in the PILOT SUPPLY SHOP. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s ANAV Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s).
Course support is also included. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. | $737.00 | | atpl-helicopter-theory atpla-distance-learning-courses atpl-aeroplane-theory |
ATPL Navigation Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our ATPL Navigation Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. A quote will be emailed to you upon receipt of your enrolment. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. | atpla-ftgs-course-resits atpl-aeroplane-theory | ||
ATPL(A) Performance and Loading Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our ATPL(A) Performance and Loading Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. A quote will be emailed to you upon receipt of your enrolment. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. It is highly recommended that you complete the Performance and Loading course before completing Flight Planning as many of the concepts in Flight Planning are first introduced in Performance and Loading. | atpla-ftgs-course-resits atpl-aeroplane-theory | ||
ATPL(A) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our ATPL(A) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. A quote will be emailed to you upon receipt of your enrolment. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject.
| atpla-ftgs-course-resits atpl-aeroplane-theory | ||
ATPL(A) Flight Planning Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our ATPL(A) Flight Planning Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. A quote will be emailed to you upon receipt of your enrolment. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. It is highly recommended that you complete the Performance and Loading course before completing Flight Planning as many of the concepts in Flight Planning are first introduced in Performance and Loading. | atpla-ftgs-course-resits atpl-aeroplane-theory | ||
ATPL(A) Discounted 7 Subject Full-Time Ground School Package $7750 (Deposit $1000) | Choose this option to enrol on our ATPL Aeroplane Full-Time Ground School theory course for the following subjects:
A Distance Learning package containing the following subjects will be posted to you:
Discounted Course Package Fee: $7750.00 – (Saving of $860.00 compared to enrolling on each subject individually) Includes all of AFT’s ATPL(A) Course Material, Online Practice CyberExam Access, 6 Week Full-time Ground School Course Tuition, Distance Learning Course Support and postage. Terms and Conditions: An initial deposit of $1000.00 is required to enrol on this Package. After the deposit is received, we will dispatch the Distance Learning Study Material for AMET, AHUF and AALW. The balance of $6750.00 must be paid in one instalment on the first day of your full-time course. For students wishing to attend individual subjects spread over several courses, you are still welcome to enrol on this package however, please note the balance of $6750.00 is due on the first day of your first full-time subject. If you wish to pay for your ATPL subjects individually, paying per subject as you go, we will ensure your course fees are capped so you don’t pay more than the discounted capped price of $7950.00. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams, you will also need the items in the ATPL Aeroplane Map Package and ATPL Aeroplane Document Package. These items are not included in the price of the Full-Time Ground School Course. They may be purchased in the STUDY DOCUMENT PACKAGES shop if you require them immediately, or they can be purchased on arrival at our classroom complex. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. Additional Postage will be charged if the Enrolment Package and Distance Learning material is posted overseas. | $1,000.00 – $2,420.00 | atpla-full-time-ground-school atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
ATPL(A) 4 Subject Full-Time Ground School Package $7695 (Deposit $400) | Choose this option to enrol on our ATPL(A) Full-Time Ground School theory course for the following subjects:
Total Course Fee $7695.00 Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams, you will also need the items in the ATPL Aeroplane Map Package and ATPL Aeroplane Document Package. These items are not included in the price of the Full-Time Ground School Course. They may be purchased in the STUDY DOCUMENT PACKAGES shop if you require them immediately, or they can be purchased on arrival at our classroom complex. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $400.00 – $1,820.00 | atpla-full-time-ground-school atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
ATPL(A) DLC to FTGSC Upgrade - 4 Subjects $3960 (Deposit $400) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Navigation, Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems, Performance and Loading and Flight Planning. When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $400.00 – $1,820.00 | atpla-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
ATPL(A) AASA DLC to FTGSC Upgrade $1132 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems (AASA). When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $100.00 – $1,265.00 | atpla-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
ATPL(A) APLA DLC to FTGSC Upgrade $693 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Performance and Loading (APLA). When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. It is highly recommended that you complete the Performance and Loading course before completing Flight Planning as many of the concepts in Flight Planning are first introduced in Performance and Loading. | $100.00 – $1,000.00 | atpla-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
AASA Car Parking $40 - AFT Student Special Rate - Sunshine Coast Airport | ATPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | atpl-course-cp |
AFPA Car Parking $40 - AFT Student Special Rate - Sunshine Coast Airport | ATPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | atpl-course-cp |
AFT Student Car Parking - Sunshine Coast Airport - CADH $40 | CPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | cpl-course-cp |
AFT Student Car Parking - Sunshine Coast Airport - CFPH $40 | CPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | cpl-course-cp |
AFT Student Car Parking - Sunshine Coast Airport - CHUF $40 | CPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | cpl-course-cp |
AFT Student Car Parking - Sunshine Coast Airport - CLWH $40 | CPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | cpl-course-cp |
AFT Student Car Parking - Sunshine Coast Airport - CMET $40 | CPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | cpl-course-cp |
AFT Student Car Parking - Sunshine Coast Airport - CNAV $40 | CPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | cpl-course-cp |
AFT Student Car Parking - Sunshine Coast Airport - CPL Course 11 Weeks $280 | CPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $280.00 | | cpl-course-cp |
AFT Student Car Parking - Sunshine Coast Airport - CPL Course 11 Weeks $280 | CPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $280.00 | | cpl-course-cp |
AFT Student Car Parking - Sunshine Coast Airport - CSYH $40 | CPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | cpl-course-cp |
ANAV Car Parking $40 - AFT Student Special Rate - Sunshine Coast Airport | ATPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | atpl-course-cp |
APLA Car Parking $40 - AFT Student Special Rate - Sunshine Coast Airport | ATPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $40.00 | | atpl-course-cp |
ATPL 4 Subject Course - Car Parking $160 - AFT Student Special Rate - Sunshine Coast Airport | ATPL Student Car Parking Options – AFT students are fortunate to receive heavily discounted parking within the airports Long Stay car park. The car park pedestrian exit is only a 1-2 minute walk to our classrooms. AFT have limited discounted Long Stay parking passes so prebooking parking is mandatory to ensure you have a car park while you are here attending the Full-time Ground School course. Parking is charged at a flat rate of $40 per subject block or at a discounted rate of $160 for the full 6 weeks of the course. Important Note: Parking Pass requests are processed manually and are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from us. By booking student car parking, you agree to return your Long Stay car park pass to AFT prior to your departure. Failure to do will incur an automatic $50 lost card fee that will be automatically charged to your creditcard. | $160.00 | | atpl-course-cp |
ATPL Navigation Full-Time Ground School $1680 (Deposit $200) | Choose this option to enrol on our ATPL Navigation Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $200.00 – $1,252.50 | atpl-helicopter-theory atpla-full-time-ground-school atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
ATPL(A) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems Full-Time Ground School $1960 (Deposit $200) | Choose this option to enrol on our ATPL(A) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $200.00 – $1,365.00 | atpla-full-time-ground-school atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
ATPL ANAV DLC to FTGSC Upgrade $973 (Deposit $200) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Navigation (ANAV). When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $100.00 – $1,152.50 | atpl-helicopter-theory atpla-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
ATPL(A) AFPA DLC to FTGSC Upgrade $1686 (Deposit $200) | It is highly recommended that you complete the ATPL(A) Performance and Loading course before completing ATPL(A) Flight Planning as many of the concepts in Flight Planning are first introduced in Performance and Loading. Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Flight Planning (AFPA). When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $200.00 – $1,437.50 | atpla-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
Boeing 727 Performance and Operating Handbook | This manual is for use in ATPL Aeroplane Flight Planning and Performance and Loading Examinations. The handbook includes some of the performance data used for before-flight planning and in-flight operation of the Boeing 727-200 series aeroplane (B727).The layout is similar to that used by major Australian airlines. This book is included in AFT’s AFPA and APLA Theory Courses. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $48.00 | | atpl-aeroplane-helicopter exam-permitted-references aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ATPL(A) Examination Information Book | This document can be downloaded free from CASA’s Website – | exam-permitted-references pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages | ||
ATPL(A) Flight Planning Full-Time Ground School $2655 (Deposit $300) | Choose this option to enrol on our ATPL(A) Flight Planning Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. It is highly recommended that you complete the Performance and Loading course before completing Flight Planning as many of the concepts in Flight Planning are first introduced in Performance and Loading. | $300.00 – $1,577.50 | atpla-full-time-ground-school atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
ATPL(A) Performance and Loading Full-Time Ground School $1400 (Deposit $200) | Choose this option to enrol on our ATPL(A) Performance and Loading Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. It is highly recommended that you complete the Performance and Loading course before completing Flight Planning as many of the concepts in Flight Planning are first introduced in Performance and Loading. | $200.00 – $1,140.00 | atpla-full-time-ground-school atpl-aeroplane-theory | |
ATPL(H) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems - Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the ATPL(H) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems Distance Learning course. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. | $858.00 | | atpl-helicopter-theory |
ATPL(H) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems - DLC to FTGSC Upgrade $1132 (Deposit $200) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems (AASH). When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $200.00 – $1,100.00 | atpl-helicopter-theory | |
ATPL(H) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems - Full-Time Ground School $1960 (Deposit $200) | Choose this option to enrol on our ATPL(H) Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $200.00 – $1,100.00 | atpl-helicopter-theory | |
ATPL(H) DLC to FTGS Upgrade - AASH $465.00 (Deposit $100.00) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems (AASH). | $100.00 | | uncategorized |
ATPL(H) Examination Information Book | This document can be downloaded free from CASA’s Website – | exam-permitted-references pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages | ||
CADH Practice CyberExams - Helicopter | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL (Helicopter) Aerodynamics (CADH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $125.00 | | cplh-pplh-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
CFPH Practice CyberExams - Helicopter | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL (Helicopter) Operations, Performance and Planning (CFPH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Worked solutions, Random Question Generator (RGQ) access, course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). – CFPH Pressure Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH OAT from ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH Density Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH heading and groundspeed practice questions with answers. – CFPH sector ETI and Fuel Burn Off practice questions with answers. – BASIC CFPH – CASR Part 133/91 Minimum Fuel at Takeoff practice questions with answers. – ADVANCED CFPH – CASR Part 133/91 Minimum Fuel at Startup/Takeoff practice questions with answers. – CFPH Critical Point/Equal Time Position practice questions with fully worked answers. – BASIC CFPH Point of No Return practice questions with fully worked answers. – ADVANCED CFPH Point of No Return practice questions with fully worked answers. – BASIC CFPH Floor Loading Limitation practice questions with fully worked answers. – ADVANCED CFPH B206L based Floor Loading Limitation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH B206L CG at Takeoff Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH B206L Most AFT CG Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH B206L Baggage Adding Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH B206L Load Shifting Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There a million’s of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! | $145.00 | | cplh-pplh-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
Chart Wallet - World Aeronautical Chart (WAC) | We have the perfect wallet for your World Aeronautical Charts(WACs). Made of heavy duty leather grain blue plastic, the wallet has 12 pockets, is a slim line design, which opens up folder style to accommodate all your WAC charts. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $35.00 | | chart-wallets kneeboards-clipboards pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VFR/IFR Kneeboard with Clipboard - Flyboys | VFR/IFR kneeboard featuring seven eyelets for securing checklists, plastic checklist pages or your in-flight guide. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $85.00 | | chart-wallets kneeboards-clipboards pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CHUF Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL Human Factors (CHUF) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $125.00 | | cplh-pplh-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
Operational Clipboard - Airservices | Developed with the pilot in mind, our multi-purpose Operational Clipboard has easily accessible clips to hold your charts and DAP plates, as well as plastic pockets to hold any other equipment, such as protractors or WAC charts. The clipboard also has a handy quick reference guide, including information such as light and ground signals, transponder codes, and a flight checklist. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $50.00 | | chart-wallets kneeboards-clipboards pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CLWH Practice CyberExams - Helicopter | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL (Helicopter) Flight Rules and Air Law (CLWH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $145.00 | | cplh-pplh-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
CMET Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL Meteorology (CMET) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $125.00 | | cplh-pplh-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
CNAV Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL Navigation (CNAV) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Worked solutions, Random Question Generators (RQG’s), course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). – CNAV Pressure Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV OAT from ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV Density Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV One In Sixty questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV CTA climb questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV CTA descent questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV heading and groundspeed practice questions with answers. – CNAV wind in flight practice questions with answers. – CNAV sector ETI and Fuel Burn Off practice questions with answers. Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There a million’s of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! | $145.00 | | cplh-pplh-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
Water Soluble Pen - Red | This Water Soluble Pen can be used on your Navigation Computer and will wipe clean with ease! Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $3.50 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
COSH Overseas CPL Helicopter Distance Learning Conversion Course | A holder of a valid foreign CPL licence that has been issued by an ICAO Contracting State, may convert this licence to an Australian CPL by passing a two-part exam (each to be attempted separately), namely:
and passing a flight test. Both subject-parts (CHUF and COSH) must be passed within prescribed period of time, referred to as a ‘window’. The COSH examination is a 2 hour exam requiring an 80% pass mark which covers the following unit codes for knowledge standards in Schedule 3 of the MOS – CLWH (Flight Rules and Air Law). Advanced Flight Theory’s Overseas CPL Helicopter Conversion Course includes the following: CLWH – Includes Advanced Flight Theory’s Helicopter Flight Rules and Air Law Distance Learning Course with access to online CLWH Practice CyberExams and the Flight Rules and Air Law document package with all permitted CAR and CAO references. CHUF – Includes Advanced Flight Theory’s Helicopter Human Factors Distance Learning Course including access to online CHUF Practice CyberExams. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams, you will also need the items in the Overseas CPL Helicopter Map/Document Package. These items are not included in the price of the Distance Learning Course. They may be purchased by clicking on the ‘STUDY DOCUMENT PACKAGES’ button on the side menu. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. | $725.00 | | cosh-overseas-cpl-helicopter-conversion overseas-licence-conversions |
COSH Overseas CPL Helicopter Conversion Document/Map Package | This package contains all permitted material required for the COSH Examination as per CASA’s Permitted Material Under Part 61 list that isn’t included in our COSH Course package – This package contains:
Please Note: This package DOES NOT include an amendment service. If you would like to arrange an amendment service for this product you can do so through Airservices directly – Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. You are also required to take into the CASA Examination a copy of the CLWH abridged document pack that is included with our Flight Rules and Air Law course –
| $181.50 | | cosh-overseas-cpl-helicopter-conversion overseas-licence-conversions |
CPL Human Factors Textbook - Bob Tait | Human Performance has become one of the problem subjects for the CPL candidate. This book keeps you up to date on the type of questions that are being asked in the cyber examination. Constantly revised. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $54.00 | | cpl-aeroplane-supplies aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CPL Meteorology Textbook - Bob Tait | One of the most requested books on aviation meteorology. Packed with excellent diagrams and lots of good photos. This book includes a thorough coverage of operational meteorology. Final tests use the newly released CASA VFR [Day] exam workbooklet as a source for ARFOR and TAF questions. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $54.00 | | cpl-aeroplane-supplies aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CPL Navigation Textbook - Bob Tait | This book covers all areas of the CASA syllabus for both PPL and CPL navigation. It includes a very comprehensive section on the use of radio navigation aids. As usual it is packed with good quality diagrams and revision questions and tests, all with fully explained answers. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $61.80 | | cpl-aeroplane-supplies aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CPL Aeroplane Aerodynamics Textbook - Bob Tait | This book is packed with hundreds of good quality diagrams and photographs. Regular revision exercises with fully explained answers are provided. Used by hundreds of students to prepare for the CASA Aerodynamics examination. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $54.00 | | cpl-aeroplane-supplies aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CPL Aeroplane Flight Rules and Air Law Textbook - Bob Tait | Air Law is one of the great challenges for students of aviation. The CASA Air Law syllabus has recently been revised and this book covers the new syllabus requirements fully. All references are kept up to date because small print runs allow constant revision. The most up to date air law guide available in Australia. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $54.00 | | cpl-aeroplane-supplies aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CPL Aeroplane Aircraft General Knowledge Textbook - Bob Tait | This book covers all of the requirements for the Syllabus for the CPL General Knowledge Cyber Examination. Packed with hundreds of high quality diagrams, entertaining text, progress tests and final practice exams. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $54.00 | | cpl-aeroplane-supplies aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CPL Aeroplane CASA Exam Map Package | This package contains:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $78.00 | | cpl-aeroplane study-document-packages pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CPL Helicopter Distance Learning Category Conversion Course | The Study Package includes material to prepare you for the CLWH, CADH, CFPH and CSYH theory examinations required to convert your CPL(A) licence to a CPL(H) licence. Choose this option to purchase the CPL(H) Distance Learning material to study the following subjects –
CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law Distance Learning course includes the document pack as follows:
CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning Distance Learning course includes the document pack as follows:
Direct Internet Access to AFT’s CLWH, CSYH, CADH and CFPH Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits per subject is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). CPL Operations, Performance and Planning Random Question Generators:
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! View our RQG demo by clicking here: To complete the course and CASA examinations, the CPL(H) Add-On CLWH All Pack is required which includes the following documents and charts –
The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Distance Learning Course support is included. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. | $1,795.00 | | aircraft-category-conversions |
CPL(H) 7 Subject Discounted Distance Learning Course Complete Package - Includes All Additional Study Items Required | Choose this option to purchase the 7 subject CPL(H) Distance Learning material to study the following subjects:
Please Note: To complete the 7 CPL Helicopter theory subjects and CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items which are included in our 7 Subject Package: CPL Meteorology Distance Learning course:
CPL Navigation Distance Learning course:
CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law Distance Learning course:
CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning Distance Learning course:
Direct Internet Access to all of AFT’s CPL(H) Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits per subject is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). CPL Navigation Random Question Generators:
CPL Operations, Performance and Planning Random Question Generators:
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! View our RQG demo by clicking here: The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Distance Learning Course support is included. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. | $2,850.00 | | cplh-distance-learning-courses cpl-helicopter-theory |
CPL Human Factors Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the CPL Human Factors Distance Learning course. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s CHUF Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Distance Learning Course support is also included. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. There is no Permitted Material required to take into the CPL Human Factors CASA Examination. | $195.00 | | cplh-distance-learning-courses cpl-helicopter-theory |
CPL(H) Discounted 7 Subject Full-Time Ground School Package $7890 (Deposit $400) | Choose this option to enrol on our CPL(H) Full-Time Ground School theory course for the following subjects:
Please Note: CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams, you will also need a set of CASA Documents and Maps. These can be purchased on day one of the course at our classroom complex. | $400.00 – $1,590.00 | cplh-full-time-ground-school cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL Meteorology Full-Time Ground School $1190 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to enrol on our CPL(H) Meteorology Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-full-time-ground-school cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL Navigation Full-Time Ground School $1780 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to enrol on our CPL Navigation Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-full-time-ground-school cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law Full-Time Ground School $1365 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to enrol on our CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-full-time-ground-school cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Aerodynamics Full-Time Ground School $1020 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to enrol on our CPL(H) Aerodynamics Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-full-time-ground-school cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Aircraft General Knowledge Full-Time Ground School $860 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to enrol on our CPL(H) Aircraft General Knowledge Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-full-time-ground-school cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning Full-Time Ground School $1780 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to enrol on our CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-full-time-ground-school cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL Human Factors Full-Time Ground School $850 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to enrol on our CPL Human Factors Full-Time Ground School theory course. CASA and ASPEQ Exam Fees are an additional charge and are not included in course fees. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-full-time-ground-school cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL Meteorology Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the CPL Meteorology Distance Learning course. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will require the following additional items which you will need to purchase in our “Add-On CMET Pack” if you don’t already have them. If you have already completed our CPL(H) Navigation course you would have already received the PCA and Sydney WAC Chart with your course and will only need to purchase the AIP Book.
Direct Internet Access to AFT’s CMET Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Distance Learning Course support is also included. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. | $360.00 | | cplh-distance-learning-courses cpl-helicopter-theory |
CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law Distance Learning course. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. Please Note: To complete the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items which are included with our Flight Rules and Air Law Course:
You will also require the following additional items which you will need to purchase in our “Add-On CLWH Pack” if you don’t already have them.
You will also require the following additional items which are included with our CPL(H) Navigation course. We recommend you complete this course before you start Flight Rules and Air Law, therefore you should already have these charts, however if you wish to order these charts now along with the AIP Book and ERSA mentioned above, please order the “Add-On CLWH All Pack”.
These items are available for purchase by clicking the ‘PILOT SUPPLY SHOP’ button on the side menu. Please Note: To complete this course you will need all items contained in the CPL Helicopter Air Law Map Package and CPL Helicopter Document Package. These items are not included in the price of the Distance Learning Course. They may be purchased by clicking on the ‘STUDY DOCUMENT PACKAGES’ button on the side menu. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. | $530.00 | | cplh-distance-learning-courses cpl-helicopter-theory |
CPL Navigation Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the CPL(H) Navigation Distance Learning course. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items which are included with our Navigation Distance Learning Course.
You will also require the following additional items which you will need to purchase in our “Add-On CNAV Pack” if you don’t already have them.
We also include the following additional charts to complement your study:
Direct Internet Access to AFT’s CNAV Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). CPL Navigation Random Question Generators:
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! View our RQG demo by clicking here: The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Distance Learning Course support is included. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. | $715.00 | | cplh-distance-learning-courses cpl-helicopter-theory |
CPL(H) Aircraft General Knowledge Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the CPL(H) Aircraft General Knowledge Distance Learning course. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s CSYH Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Distance Learning Course support is also included. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. There is no Permitted Material required to take into the CPL Aircraft General Knowledge CASA Examination. | $310.00 | | cplh-distance-learning-courses cpl-helicopter-theory |
CPL Operations, Performance and Planning Textbook - Bob Tait | A very comprehensive text which revises all of the PPL performance syllabus and goes on to add those areas that are required at the CPL level. All exercises and tests are accompanied by fully explained and, where calculations are involved, full worked answers. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $78.70 | | cpl-aeroplane-supplies aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
CPL(H) Aerodynamics Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the CPL(H) Aerodynamics Distance Learning course. Direct Internet Access to AFT’s CADH Practice CyberExams along with 8 Marking Credits is included with our Distance Learning Course. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Distance Learning Course support is also included. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12-month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, upgrade/printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. We will contact you with a postage quote upon receiving your order. There is no Permitted Material required to take into the CPL Aerodynamics CASA Examination. | $310.00 | | cplh-distance-learning-courses cpl-helicopter-theory |
CPL(H) Aircraft General Knowledge Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our CPL(H) Aircraft General Knowledge Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. Please ask us if you require a Resit Quote. | cplh-ftgs-course-resits cpl-helicopter-theory | ||
CPL(H) Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Upgrade - 7 Subjects $5280 (Deposit $400) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course from the Distance Learning Course for:
When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote.
| $400.00 – $1,590.00 | cplh-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Meteorology (CMET) Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Upgrade $860 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Meteorology. When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $100.00 – $555.00 | cplh-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Navigation (CNAV) Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Upgrade $1340 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Navigation. When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Flight Rules and Air Law (CLWH) Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Upgrade $865 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Flight Rules and Air Law. When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Aerodynamics (CADH) Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Upgrade $740 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Aerodynamics. When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Aircraft General Knowledge (CSYH) Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Upgrade $580 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Aircraft General Knowledge. When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning (CFPH) Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Upgrade $1165 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Operations, Performance and Planning. When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Human Factors (CHUF) Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Upgrade $685 (Deposit $100) | Choose this option to upgrade to Full-Time Ground School Course for Human Factors. When upgrading from Distance Learning to Full-Time Ground School Course, students are required to bring Distance Learning course notes. Please note: An additional upgrade fee may be charged if the current Distance Learning course fee has increased since the time you purchased. A reprint fee may also apply. Please contact us for a quote. | $100.00 – $595.00 | cplh-dlc-to-ftgsc-upgrade cpl-helicopter-theory | |
CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning Distance Learning course. It is essential that you have completed the CPL(H) Navigation course before studying this subject. Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. Please Note: To complete this course and the CASA PEXO Exams you will need the following items which are included with our Operations, Performance and Planning Distance Learning Course.
You will also require the following additional items which you will need to purchase in our “Add-On CFPH Pack” if you don’t already have them.
The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Direct Internet Access to 8 CFPH Practice CyberExams is included with our Distance Learning Course. On completion of the exam, a full KDR with CASA Syllabus reference is displayed on screen and your results are provided instantly. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Worked solutions, course support, and access to our Random Question Generator is also included. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). CPL Operations, Performance and Planning Random Question Generators:
Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! | $645.00 | | cplh-distance-learning-courses cpl-helicopter-theory |
CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. Please ask us if you require a Resit Quote. | cplh-ftgs-course-resits cpl-helicopter-theory | ||
CPL Human Factors Full-Time Ground School (Re-sit) | Choose this option to re-sit our CPL Human Factors Full-Time Ground School theory course. Please ensure you have read and understood our Resit Terms and Conditions. The resit policy applies on the basis that the course fee when you resit the first time, is the same as the course fee you originally paid. Should increased course fees apply at the time of the resit, you will need to pay the difference between the original fee paid and the current fee to upgrade for that subject. Please ask us if you require a Resit Quote. | cplh-ftgs-course-resits cpl-helicopter-theory | ||
CSYH Practice CyberExams - Helicopter | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL (Helicopter) Aircraft General Knowledge (CSYH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $125.00 | | cplh-pplh-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
Departure and Approach Plates (DAP) East | The Departure & Approach Procedures (DAP) are a compilation of instrument procedure charts for Australia, including aerodrome charts and noise abatement procedures where applicable. The DAP East covers the states of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania as well as the ACT. This product contains the initial text and one binder Please Note: This package DOES NOT include an amendment service. If you would like to arrange an amendment service for this product you can do so through Airservices directly – Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $89.00 | | airservices-publications pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Departure and Approach Plates (DAP) West | The Departure & Approach Procedures (DAP) are a compilation of instrument procedure charts for Australia, including aerodrome charts and noise abatement procedures where applicable. The DAP West covers the states of Western Australia, South Australia and Northern Territory, and this product contains the initial text and one binder. Please Note: This package DOES NOT include an amendment service. If you would like to arrange an amendment service for this product you can do so through Airservices directly – Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $72.00 | | airservices-publications pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERC Chart High 1/2 | The Enroute Chart (ERC) (H) is designed to provide selected information similar to that of the ERC (L) series and is primarily for use by aircraft operating on transcontinental and intercapital routes at FL2000 and above. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | erc-high-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERC Chart High 3/4 | The Enroute Chart (ERC) (H) is designed to provide selected information similar to that of the ERC (L) series and is primarily for use by aircraft operating on transcontinental and intercapital routes at FL2000 and above. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | erc-high-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERC Chart High 5 | The Enroute Chart (ERC) (H) is designed to provide selected information similar to that of the ERC (L) series and is primarily for use by aircraft operating on transcontinental and intercapital routes at FL2000 and above. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | erc-high-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERC Low Chart 1/2 | The Enroute Chart (ERC) (L) is drawn to various scales to accommodate significant air traffic route areas and shows controlled airspace, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, air routes, ATS and radio-navigation services. NB Within Terminal areas, aeronautical information within Terminal areas may not be complete. Pilots should use a TAC or VTC. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | erc-low-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERC Low Chart 3/4 | The Enroute Chart (ERC) (L) is drawn to various scales to accommodate significant air traffic route areas and shows controlled airspace, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, air routes, ATS and radio-navigation services. NB Within Terminal areas, aeronautical information within Terminal areas may not be complete. Pilots should use a TAC or VTC. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | erc-low-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERC Low Chart 5/6 | The Enroute Chart (ERC) (L) is drawn to various scales to accommodate significant air traffic route areas and shows controlled airspace, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, air routes, ATS and radio-navigation services. NB Within Terminal areas, aeronautical information within Terminal areas may not be complete. Pilots should use a TAC or VTC. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | erc-low-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERC Low Chart 7/8 | The Enroute Chart (ERC) (L) is drawn to various scales to accommodate significant air traffic route areas and shows controlled airspace, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, air routes, ATS and radio-navigation services. NB Within Terminal areas, aeronautical information within Terminal areas may not be complete. Pilots should use a TAC or VTC. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | erc-low-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERSA Binder for Loose Leaf ERSA | Airservices Australia Binder to fit Loose Leaf ERSA. 38mm ring capacity, Weighing approx. 350 grams and can hold up to 550 pages of ASA new light weight paper. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $24.00 | | airservices-publications publication-binders-dividers pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERSA Loose Leaf | The ERSA is a publication which contains information vital for planning a flight and for the pilot in flight. It includes pictorial presentations of all licenced aerodromes and is amended every 12 weeks. Other information includes aerodrome physical characteristics, hours of operation, visual ground aids, air traffic services, navaids, lighting, MTAF and CTAF, aerodrome operators’ details and any changes applicable. The ERSA is available in spiral bound or loose leaf format and can be supplied with or without the Runway Distance Supplement. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $30.00 | | airservices-publications pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERSA Sprial Bound | The ERSA is a publication which contains information vital for planning a flight and for the pilot in flight. It includes pictorial presentations of all licenced aerodromes and is amended every 12 weeks. Other information includes aerodrome physical characteristics, hours of operation, visual ground aids, air traffic services, navaids, lighting, MTAF and CTAF, aerodrome operators’ details and any changes applicable. The ERSA is available in spiral bound or loose leaf format and can be supplied with or without the Runway Distance Supplement. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $36.00 | | airservices-publications pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERSA with Runway Distance Supplement (RDS) - Loose Leaf | The ERSA is a publication which contains information vital for planning a flight and for the pilot in flight. It includes pictorial presentations of all licenced aerodromes and is amended every 12 weeks. Other information includes aerodrome physical characteristics, hours of operation, visual ground aids, air traffic services, navaids, lighting, MTAF and CTAF, aerodrome operators’ details and any changes applicable. The ERSA is available in spiral bound or loose leaf format and can be supplied with or without the Runway Distance Supplement. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $35.00 | | airservices-publications pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
ERSA with Runway Distance Supplement (RDS) - Spiral Bound | The ERSA is a publication which contains information vital for planning a flight and for the pilot in flight. It includes pictorial presentations of all licenced aerodromes and is amended every 12 weeks. Other information includes aerodrome physical characteristics, hours of operation, visual ground aids, air traffic services, navaids, lighting, MTAF and CTAF, aerodrome operators’ details and any changes applicable. The ERSA is available in spiral bound or loose leaf format and can be supplied with or without the Runway Distance Supplement. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $39.00 | | airservices-publications pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
RPL/PPL Study Guide Volume 1 - Bob Tait | PART 61 Regulations Update: With CASA introducing the new Part 61 Reg changes on the 1st September, the BAK textbook will cover the new Recreational Pilot Licence Syllabus. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $99.50 | | ppl-aeroplane aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
RPL/PPL Study Guide Volume 2 - Bob Tait | Bob Tait’s PPL book is designed to take the student from the BAK level to the CASA PEXO Exam for Private Pilot Licence. Hundreds of exam standard questions including the sample questions from the CASA question data base which were released by CASA to help students prepare for the PEXO Exam. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $99.50 | | ppl-aeroplane aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Flight Radio for Pilots VFR Operations - Aviation Theory Centre | The complete guide to all radio communications including use of the radios, phraseology and standard calls for all VFR operations. Note: the radio calls and procedures are also available on CD-ROM. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $40.00 | | cpl-aeroplane-supplies ppl-aeroplane aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Helicopter Principles of Flight Textbook - Wally Wagtendonk | Written by well-known New Zealand instructor Wally Wagtendonk, this book offers a fresh look at primary and intermediate helicopter training. Filled with exceptionally clear, high-quality illustrations, Principles of Helicopter Flight is suitable for students of light helicopters, from homebuilts and R22’s up to small turbine helicopters. This book is included in AFT’s CADH Theory Course. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $66.00 | | ppl-and-cpl-helicopter aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Human Being Pilot - Aviation Theory Centre | This is a most important area of study for a modern pilot. This volume has been specially prepared to meet the requirements of professional pilots – whether they are flying single-pilot IFR or as a member of an RPT crew. The book covers, and in some areas leads, the CASA syllabus for CPL and ATPL examinations in Human Factors. Full colour and case bound. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $92.00 | | atpl-aeroplane-helicopter aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Helicopter Flying Handbook - FAA | This is the FAA’s “official” helicopter and Gyroplane manual containing useful information for helicopter pilots. Systems, aerodynamics and operations are covered for both helicopters and gyroplanes, as well as human factors, common errors, instrument & night operations, and basic and advanced manoeuvres. This book is included in AFT’s CFPH Theory Course. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $42.90 | | ppl-and-cpl-helicopter aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
IFR Trip Plate Holder - Airservices Australia | The new Airservices Australia Trip Plate Folder allows the pilot to easily carry the charts applicable to their flight in this protective spiral-bound folder. The folder has a durable polypropylene cover, and contains 20 A5 sized matt PVC pockets. It also contains no metallic material. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $45.00 | | publication-binders-dividers pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Instrument Flight Guide (IFG) - Aviation Theory Centre | The IFG is the instrument pilot’s version of the VFG. A useful, and easily accessible collection of useful operational information. It is published annually but updated whenever significant changes occur. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $47.00 | | flight-guides aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Instrument Rating Study Guide - Bob Tait | This is a home study text designed to prepare students for the CASA PEXO Exam for IREX. 400 pages packed with good quality diagrams and simple entertaining text. It includes hundreds of exam standard questions all with carefully explained answers and up-to-date references. While it is not intended as a correspondence course, candidates are welcome to contact Bob Tait direct for personal attention via e-mail with specific questions that may arise during their study. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $108.00 | | instrument-rating irex-theory aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
RA Aus Pilot Certificate | This book has been written to cover the syllabus of theoretical knowledge for the RAA-AUS pilot certificate. It has been written especially for the beginner and does not presuppose any previous knowledge of aviation. Each chapter of the book ends with a series of questions designed to test your comprehension of the material covered. All questions are accompanied by detailed explanations of the answers. It does not pretend to be a manual on how to fly a particular aircraft, but it will prepare you well for your instructor’s pre-flight briefings as you progress through your flying training. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $94.50 | | aviation-textbooks-flight-guides flight-guides ra-aus ra-aus-aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Instrument Rating Study Guide - Aviation Theory Centre | An Instrument Rating is the basis for professional standards of piloting whether for private or commercial use. This comprehensive volume assembles all of the knowledge needed to complete the syllabus of training for the CASA Instrument Rating Examination (IREX) and to understand the principles of operation, accuracy and limitations of navaids, the aircraft systems and the human pilot. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $114.00 | | instrument-rating irex-theory aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
IREX Document Package | This package contains:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $428.00 | | irex-theory |
IREX Map Package | This package contains:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $118.00 | | irex-theory |
Long Tri-Fold Kneeboard | This three-piece folding fabric kneeboard includes the aluminium VFR kneeboard as its centrepiece with added pouches for a computer or flight data. Long enough to hold WAC charts. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $65.00 | | chart-wallets kneeboards-clipboards pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Manual of Aviation Meteorology - Bureau Of Meteorology | Pilots operate in a dynamically changing and potentially risky weather environment. But does the atmosphere have to be a threat? To some extent it always will be, but pilots who have good knowledge of it, treat it with respect, keep their eyes open, and prepare adequately will enjoy safe and efficient flight. Pilots need to frequently refresh their knowledge of the weather by comparing what is observed with what is forecast and by studying all aspects of the weather by viewing and comparing radar and satellite images and weather maps to gain an overall appreciation of likely weather events. A clear understanding of local-scale influences on the weather is essential for all pilots, especially since significant atmospheric variations at low levels commonly adversely affect aircraft performance. In particular, convective activity, orographic features, lines of trees and seemingly insignificant obstacles can generate turbulence and wind shear of critical significance to aircraft performance, making low-level operations difficult and risky. It is wise for a pilot to be aware of the limitations of forecasts and other guidance material. Be aware that although weather forecasts are based on the best advice available, accuracy can only be assessed after the event. Most studies into aircraft accidents report that about half are weather related. The most common errors contributing to accidents are:
Understanding the material presented in this manual and constantly refreshing meteorological knowledge will go a long way in preparing pilots for safe and enjoyable flight. This book is included in AFT’s CMET and AMET Theory Courses. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $65.95 | | atpl-aeroplane-helicopter cpl-aeroplane-supplies ppl-aeroplane ppl-and-cpl-helicopter aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Aircraft Human Performance and Limitations Textbook - Tony Wilson | Commissioned by CASA, this publication covers the Human Performance and Limitations Syllabi for the Private and Commercial Pilot Licences. The Human Performance part of the training syllabus is their to help you make the most of your own natural abilities. A knowledge of how we function, of our strengths and limitations, is just as important as understanding the systems in the aeroplane. This book is about the craft of piloting – a craft which has been painfully built up over almost a century. It contains many practical examples of past triumphs and troubles which it is hoped will make it interesting reading, rather than just an exam text. This book is included in AFT’s AHUF Theory Course. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $36.00 | | atpl-aeroplane-helicopter aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Part 61 Manual of Standards - Aeronautical Knowledge Standards | This document can be downloaded free from CASA’s Website – | exam-permitted-references pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages | ||
Planning Chart Australia (PCA) | Planning Chart Australia contains meteorological Area Forecast boundaries and locations, communication coverage outside controlled airspace and WAC coverage. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $10.00 | | pca-chart maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
PPL Helicopter CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x PPL Helicopter (PPLH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Worked solutions, course support, upgrade options and access to our Random Question Generator are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). – PPLH Pressure Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH OAT from ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH Density Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH One In Sixty practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH CTA climb practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH B206L Baggage Adding Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH B206L Load Shifting Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH heading and groundspeed practice examples with answers. Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: | $125.00 | | cplh-pplh-practice-cyberexams aft-online-practice-cyberexams |
CASA Bell 206L-1 Long Ranger II Performance and Operations Handbook | The CASA Bell 206L-1 Long Ranger II Performance and Operations Handbook is required to complete the following Practice CyberExams:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $15.40 | | cplh-pplh-practice-cyberexams exam-permitted-references aft-online-practice-cyberexams pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
PPL Helicopter Distance Learning Course | Choose this option to purchase the PPL(H) Distance Learning material to study the following subjects:
Please Note: To complete the PPL(H) study and CASA PEXO Exam, you will need the following items which are all included in our complete Distance Learning Package – Meteorology Distance Learning course:
Navigation Distance Learning course:
Flight Rules and Air Law Distance Learning course:
Operations, Performance and Planning Distance Learning course:
Price includes postage within Australia. Postage charges to all other countries will apply. The purchase of this Distance Learning Course entitles you to a free 12 month course note amendment service. Amendments are sent on request only. After 12 months, printing and postage fees will apply to any amendments or upgrades you require. Direct Internet Access to 8 PPL Practice CyberExams is included with our Distance Learning Course. On completion of the exam, a full KDR with CASA Syllabus reference is displayed on screen and a copy of the KDR is emailed to you. View our Practice CyberExam demo by clicking here: Worked solutions, course support, and access to our Random Question Generator is also included. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: There are millions of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! | $2,350.00 | | pplh-distance-learning-courses ppl-helicopter-theory |
S76 Performance and Operations Handbook - ATPL(H) | This document can be downloaded free from CASA’s Website – | exam-permitted-references pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages | ||
Plotter | This ATC Plotter combines the function of a protractor and scale ruler in one. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $25.00 | | navigation-equipment pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
TAC Chart 1/2 | For use in terminal areas, these charts provide airspace, air-routes, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, navigation aids and radio frequencies. They are designed to display aeronautical information at a larger scale for easier use in congested areas. Scale varies for each chart. | $13.50 | | tac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
TAC Chart 3/4 | For use in terminal areas, these charts provide airspace, air-routes, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, navigation aids and radio frequencies. They are designed to display aeronautical information at a larger scale for easier use in congested areas. Scale varies for each chart. | $13.50 | | tac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
TAC Chart 5/6 | For use in terminal areas, these charts provide airspace, air-routes, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, navigation aids and radio frequencies. They are designed to display aeronautical information at a larger scale for easier use in congested areas. Scale varies for each chart. | $13.50 | | tac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
TAC Chart 7/8 | For use in terminal areas, these charts provide airspace, air-routes, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, navigation aids and radio frequencies. They are designed to display aeronautical information at a larger scale for easier use in congested areas. Scale varies for each chart. | $13.50 | | tac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Visual Flight Rules Guide (VFRG) - CASA | Visual Flight Rules Guide The popular VFRG—THE guide for VFR pilots now fully revised in an easy-to-understand format. Presented in an accessible A5-size ring-bound folder. The VFRG is divided into five main sections, plus an index:
Visit regularly for updates | $49.95 | | flight-guides aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VNC Adelaide Chart | The VNC will help you:
The VNC contains the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vnc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VNC Brisbane/Sydney Chart | The VNC will help you:
The VNC contains the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vnc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VNC Bundaberg/Rockhampton Chart | The VNC will help you:
The VNC contains the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vnc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VNC Cairns/Townsville Chart | The VNC will help you:
The VNC contains the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vnc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VNC Darwin/Tindal Chart | The VNC will help you:
The VNC contains the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vnc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VNC Hobart/Launceston Chart | The VNC will help you:
The VNC contains the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vnc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VNC Melbourne/Deniliquin Chart | The VNC will help you:
The VNC contains the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vnc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VNC Newcastle Chart | The VNC will help you:
The VNC contains the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vnc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VNC Perth Chart | The VNC will help you:
The VNC contains the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vnc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Adelaide / Melbourne Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Alice Springs - Ayers Rock / Darwin Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Brisbane / Sunshine Coast / Gold Coast Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Cairns / Townsville Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Canberra / Albury Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Coffs Harbour / Tamworth Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Hobart / Launceston Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Horn Island | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Karratha/Broome Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Mackay / Whitsunday Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Oakey - Brisbane / Rockhampton Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Perth Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
VTC Sydney / Newcastle / Willamtown Chart | VTCs provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Note: VTCs should be used for these areas in lieu of WAC series topographical charts. In addition to full topographical information, the VTCs also show the following details:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $13.50 | | vtc-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Adelaide | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Albany | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Alice Springs | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Armidale | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Bourke | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Brisbane | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Broken Hill | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Broome | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Brunswick Bay | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Canberra | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Cape Wessell | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Charleville | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Clermont | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Cloncurry | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Cooktown | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Cooper Creek | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Darwin | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Esperance | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Groote Eylandt | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Halls Creek | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Hamersley Range | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Hamilton | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Kalgoorlie | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Lake Mackay | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Meekatharra | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Melbourne | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Melville Island | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Newcastle Waters | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $13.50 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Normanton | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Nullabor Plain | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Oakover River | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Oodnadatta | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Perth | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Petermann Ranges | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Port Augusta | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Rockhampton | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Special Island Coverage | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Sydney | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Tarcoola | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Tasmania | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Torres Strait | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Townsville | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
WAC Wiluna | These Australian charts alre part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications. | $14.00 | | wac-charts maps-and-charts pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |