Visa Requirements


Before deciding on any course of study or flight training in Australia, Overseas Students are advised to confirm they met all Australian Immigration Requirements prior to entering the country for study purposes.

Please visit the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigeous Affairs Website to ensure you have the latest information and advice.

For specific information the requirements for Overseas Students who which to study in Australia, please visit the Studying in Australia section of their website.

Students who wish to study with Advanced Flight Theory should now be able to do so under the provisions of a visitor or tourism visa, due to the “Short Course” nature of Advanced Flight Theory’s ATPL and CPL theory courses.

Because we are teaching to a syllabus written by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), there is no requirement for our courses to be accredited.

Students can attend the courses provided they abide by the conditions of a visitor/tourism visa.

There are a number of useful booklets you can download which contain detailed information and the forms necessary to apply for your visa.

If you have any questions at all about your visa requirements you should contact the Department Of Immigration and Citizenship and confirm your status.