CPL(H) & PPL(H) Practice CyberExams
Product | Description | Price | Purchase |
CADH Practice CyberExams - Helicopter | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL (Helicopter) Aerodynamics (CADH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $125.00 | |
CFPH Practice CyberExams - Helicopter | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL (Helicopter) Operations, Performance and Planning (CFPH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Worked solutions, Random Question Generator (RGQ) access, course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). – CFPH Pressure Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH OAT from ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH Density Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH heading and groundspeed practice questions with answers. – CFPH sector ETI and Fuel Burn Off practice questions with answers. – BASIC CFPH – CASR Part 133/91 Minimum Fuel at Takeoff practice questions with answers. – ADVANCED CFPH – CASR Part 133/91 Minimum Fuel at Startup/Takeoff practice questions with answers. – CFPH Critical Point/Equal Time Position practice questions with fully worked answers. – BASIC CFPH Point of No Return practice questions with fully worked answers. – ADVANCED CFPH Point of No Return practice questions with fully worked answers. – BASIC CFPH Floor Loading Limitation practice questions with fully worked answers. – ADVANCED CFPH B206L based Floor Loading Limitation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH B206L CG at Takeoff Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH B206L Most AFT CG Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH B206L Baggage Adding Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – CFPH B206L Load Shifting Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: http://aftcex.com.au/rqg/index.htm There a million’s of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! | $145.00 | |
CHUF Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL Human Factors (CHUF) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $125.00 | |
CLWH Practice CyberExams - Helicopter | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL (Helicopter) Flight Rules and Air Law (CLWH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $145.00 | |
CMET Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL Meteorology (CMET) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $125.00 | |
CNAV Practice CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL Navigation (CNAV) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Worked solutions, Random Question Generators (RQG’s), course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). – CNAV Pressure Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV OAT from ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV Density Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV One In Sixty questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV CTA climb questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV CTA descent questions with fully worked answers. – CNAV heading and groundspeed practice questions with answers. – CNAV wind in flight practice questions with answers. – CNAV sector ETI and Fuel Burn Off practice questions with answers. Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: http://aftcex.com.au/rqg/index.htm There a million’s of different question data combinations, so you never do the same calculation twice. With unlimited practice on new questions, you will become fully prepared for any calculation on the topic that CASA presents to you! | $145.00 | |
CSYH Practice CyberExams - Helicopter | Direct Internet Access to 4 x CPL (Helicopter) Aircraft General Knowledge (CSYH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Course support and upgrade options are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. | $125.00 | |
PPL Helicopter CyberExams | Direct Internet Access to 4 x PPL Helicopter (PPLH) Practice CyberExams. Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated, you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam Account. (CyberExam Account access including your Usercode and Password will be emailed to you within 2 hours of order during normal working hours, or next working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered outside normal hours.) IMPORTANT NOTE Practice CyberExams are designed to give an indication of your level of preparation for the actual CASA PEXO Exam. Worked solutions, course support, upgrade options and access to our Random Question Generator are NOT provided with the Practice CyberExams, however are provided if you purchase our Distance Learning Courses. To purchase the full Distance Learning Course Click Here. Advanced Flight Theory’s Full-Time and Distance Learning students enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of our very unique and specialised Random Question Generators (RQG’s). – PPLH Pressure Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH OAT from ISA Variation practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH Density Height practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH One In Sixty practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH CTA climb practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH B206L Baggage Adding Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH B206L Load Shifting Weight and Balance practice questions with fully worked answers. – PPLH heading and groundspeed practice examples with answers. Each RQG creates a brand new, never seen before question covering an important calculation required to pass the subject’s CASA PEXO exam. After completing the calculation, you submit your answer and have the full workings presented so you can carefully check every part of your work. View our RQG demo by clicking here: http://aftcex.com.au/rqg/index.htm | $125.00 | |
CASA Bell 206L-1 Long Ranger II Performance and Operations Handbook | The CASA Bell 206L-1 Long Ranger II Performance and Operations Handbook is required to complete the following Practice CyberExams:
Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $15.40 | |