Instrument Rating
Product | Description | Price | Purchase | hf:categories |
Instrument Rating Study Guide - Bob Tait | This is a home study text designed to prepare students for the CASA PEXO Exam for IREX. 400 pages packed with good quality diagrams and simple entertaining text. It includes hundreds of exam standard questions all with carefully explained answers and up-to-date references. While it is not intended as a correspondence course, candidates are welcome to contact Bob Tait direct for personal attention via e-mail with specific questions that may arise during their study. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $108.00 | | instrument-rating irex-theory aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |
Instrument Rating Study Guide - Aviation Theory Centre | An Instrument Rating is the basis for professional standards of piloting whether for private or commercial use. This comprehensive volume assembles all of the knowledge needed to complete the syllabus of training for the CASA Instrument Rating Examination (IREX) and to understand the principles of operation, accuracy and limitations of navaids, the aircraft systems and the human pilot. Additional Postage Charge will be added at Checkout. | $114.00 | | instrument-rating irex-theory aviation-textbooks-flight-guides pilot-supplies-and-study-document-packages |