CyberExam FAQ
Based on many years experience with our Practice CyberExam system, Advanced Flight Theory has developed a simulation of the CASA PEXO Exam System using our own exam questions. One of the major features of our online Practice CyberExam System is that all exams are randomly generated when a student logs onto the system, making every exam sat totally unique.
To access our system go to From the main menu select the subject required and you will be taken to the menu for that subject. Select your choice from the options and follow the links to enter your Usercode and Password and generate your new exam.
Each individual Practice CyberExam is randomly generated, making every exam sat totally unique. Once an exam is submitted for marking, within a few seconds you will have a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) with your results on your screen. Our KDR provides the same information as the CASA KDR. After the KDR is generated you can review the entire exam and see the questions you were asked with the correct answers indicated. Access to your exam results and KDR’s can be accessed anytime by logging onto your CyberExam account.
To test your readiness to sit the CASA PEXO Exams in the allocated time, a countdown timer displays while you attempt the exam so you can see exactly how long it takes to complete the exam questions. To have a Practice CyberExam generated and marked you will need to have pre-paid access to our exam system.YES – Practice CyberExams are best viewed using iPad or tablet, laptop or PC browser screens. Phone screens are not recommended.NO – You need to be online to generate your Practice CyberExam, however once your exam has been generated there is no need to remain online while attempting the questions.YES – Internet access is essential to have Advanced Flight Theory Practice CyberExams marked. The total time required online for marking to take place is usually less than 10 seconds.Each Practice CyberExam generated has its own unique ID number and question/answer sequence. When the marking process is activated by clicking the “Finish Exam” button, your exam is submitted and marked with no further input from you provided you have an Internet connection. One Marking Credit is used each time an exam is marked. The marking process records the date and time the exam was submitted, before displaying the unique exam ID number and KDR on your screen. The CASA style KDR (Knowledge Deficiency Report) indicates if a question has been answered correctly or incorrectly with a CASA theory syllabus reference and short description of the type of question attempted. This is exactly the same format as the actual CASA PEXO Exam KDR. It is essential that PPL and CPL students become very familiar with the KDR format, as they will be re-examined from the CASA KDR on topics they got wrong before their flight test. An email with a complete copy of your KDR is automatically generated and sent to the email address you have listed within our system.YES – On completion of your Practice CyberExam there is a “Review This Exam” link on the KDR which allows you to review your exam and view correct and incorrect answers to see where you went wrong. Past exams can also be reviewed via the User Admin page when you click – “View Your Exam Records”.YES – If for any reason you are interrupted before you can complete a Practice CyberExam, you can re-build the same exam and re-enter the answers to questions you have already attempted, before completing the rest of the exam.
This special feature also allows you to complete an exam that was interrupted due to a power failure, computer crash or problem with your Internet connection during marking of the exam. Click the “Re-Build Interrupted Exam” button which appears above the “Generate Exam” button on the menu for the subject you are attempting. Enter your Usercode and Password and your last interrupted exam will be re-created and displayed. You can re-build an interrupted exam on a different computer to the one you originally generated the exam on. Important – To take advantage of this feature you should ensure you keep a written record of the answers you have selected to each question as you are doing the exam. You can then quickly re-enter the answers to questions you have already attempted, before completing the rest of the exam.An Account Login button is displayed on the top right hand corner of the CyberExams Main Menu and on the individual Subject Menus. You can also access your account via the “Update My Details” button which appears at the bottom of each KDR. Once you have accessed your account you can change any of your personal details including email address and phone number. You can also change your password, access your exam history records and check your exam permissions and remaining marking credits. If for any reason you require a new copy of a KDR for an exam you have attempted, you can re-create the KDR required via the “Re-Create KDR” button.Advanced Flight Theory’s Practice CyberExams have no expiry date and the question data base allows a total of four unique exams to be generated for each of the subjects. After you have generated four exams within a subject any subsequent exams will contain questions you have previously attempted.
The purchase price of each Practice CyberExam Access package includes permission to generate and mark four unique Practice CyberExams in the chosen subject, therefore giving you exposure to our entire question database for that subject. Permission to access the exams does not expire. If you would like to generate additional exams after completing the original four exams, you can do so by purchasing additional Marking Credits.
Important – While it is possible to continue attempting Practice CyberExams for as long as you like, we would emphasis that the additional exams generated are of little use in determining your true level of preparation to sit the CASA PEXO Exams, as you are simply re-doing questions previously attempted. This is especially true if you have checked the worked solutions.Payment for access to and the marking of Advanced Flight Theory Practice CyberExams is made in advance. The initial issue of a usercode and password includes permission to generate four unique exams. If you would like to generate additional exams you will need to purchase Marking Credits. There are two types of Marking Credits, Premium Marking Credits and Standard Marking Credits.
Premium Marking Credits – Cost $15.00
These can be used to generate additional attempts of our more advanced Practice CyberExams including CPL(H) Operations, Performance and Planning, CPL Navigation, ATPL(A) or (H) Flight Planning, Performance and Loading, Navigation and Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems.
Standard Marking Credits – Cost $12.00
These can be used on any ATPL, CPL or PPL Practice CyberExam that does not require a Premium Credit.YES – On the Practice CyberExams Main Menu use the Account Login button on the top right-hand side of the page to view your exam permissions and remaining Marking Credits.There is a link allowing you to purchase Marking Credits at the bottom of your Account Login page. There is also an e-mail link to our office where account holders can order via e-mail. We can accept phone orders during office hours on 1800 000 767. An alternative way of purchasing additional Marking Credits is to go directly to the Online Store.Marking Credits ordered during office hours will usually be available within an hour. Marking Credits ordered outside office hours will be available for use after the start of business the following working day.NO – Marking credits and access cannot be shared or transferred between students. Any accounts seen to be shared will automatically be suspended.Advanced Flight Theory’s complete range of Practice CyberExams includes – PPL(H), CPL(H), ATPL(A) and ATPL(H) (except AFPH and APLH which are only available with the complete Distance Learning course).