Full Time Ground School
ATPL(H) Full Time Ground School
We offer a Full-Time Ground School course for ATPL Navigation and ATPL Helicopter Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems. The remaining five subjects can be completed by our Distance Learning course.
Navigation is a generic subject between both ATPL Helicopter and Aeroplane. Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems is 80% the same content for both ATPL Helicopter and Aeroplane. Since the majority of the Syllabus is common between the two and has a large focus on Aeroplanes, we find Helicopter pilots do benefit in coming along to the Full-Time Ground School course for these two subjects.
The ATPL(H) Theory Course for Navigation and Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems consists of 3 weeks intensive full-time study, working from 8.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. You will also be expected to do homework each night and over the weekend.
While time spent in class is intensive, our course format allows as much time as possible for many detailed revision tests. On completion of each subject module you can attempt Advanced Flight Theory’s Practice CyberExams before attempting the CASA PEXO Exams.
Our fees include all Course Notes, Revision Tests, Practice CyberExams and Answer Sheets. There is no requirement to purchase any other textbooks as all relevant references and manuals are included. You will however need to provide your own set of Airservices Publications, Charts and Navigation Equipment.“The remaining subjects can be sat while you are with us, however we strongly recommend that they are attempted at a different time to minimise your personal stress levels.”
The remaining five ATPL(H) subjects are:
- Flight Planning
- Performance and Loading
- Meteorology
- Air Law
- Human Factors
The Distance Learning subjects can be completed at your convenience, before or after attending the ATPL ground school. The package covers the entire CASA Part 61 Manual of Standards Aeronautical Knowledge Standards (Syllabus) includes comprehensive Notes, Revision Tests, Practice CyberExams and Answer Sheets. Many students have received 100% for these subjects after using our study material only and making the effort to study hard.
Course Outline
Our course is very intensive, however we have done everything possible to ensure adequate time is given to fully cover the full CASA Part 61 Manual of Standards Aeronautical Knowledge Standards (Syllabus). We have found that our short course format with our constant revision tests, leads to better information retention, especially on exam day.
All subjects are bound in professional binders with indexed spines for easy reference. There is no requirement to purchase any other textbooks as all relevant reference material and manuals are included.
Please Note: There may be some slight variations to the format described below when public holidays interfere with the scheduled CASA PEXO Exams at the end of each subject.
Navigation (ANAV)
Navigation commences on Monday, with six days spent in the classroom and the CASA ANAV PEXO Exam scheduled for the Tuesday after class finishes.
Study Material Included:
- AFT Navigation Theory Notes, Revision Tests, Answers and Workings
- AFT Navigation Practical Notes, Revision Tests, Answers and Workings
- AFT Navigation Additional Revision Tests, Answers and Workings
- AFT ANAV Practice CyberExams with 8 Standard Marking Credits
- AFT ANAV Practice CyberExam Answers and Workings
Navigation includes studying the static/pitot system, gyroscopic/laser ring instruments, weather radar, radar/radio altimeters and the latest on GPS. The principles of operation of radio navigation aids and their errors and limitations, determining position by way of radio navaid information (RMI with VOR/ADF) and the use of an ERC are covered next. You will learn to plot Critical Points and the Point of Safe Diversion on ERC and how to calculate track intercepts without a chart using basic trigonometry. The subject material is covered in the classroom from Monday to Friday, with Practice CyberExams over the weekend and the Monday before the CASA ANAV PEXO Exam on the Tuesday.
Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems (AASH)
Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems commences on a Wednesday, with seven days spent in the classroom and the CASA AASA PEXO Exam scheduled for the Friday after class finishes.
Study Material Included:
- AFT Basic Gas Turbine Notes, Revision Tests and Answers
- AFT Aerodynamics Notes, Revision Tests and Answers
- AFT Aircraft System Notes, Revision Tests and Answers
- AFT Automatic Fight, Flight Management and SAS Notes
- AFT Supplementary Systems Notes
- AFT Inertial Navigation Notes
- AFT AASH Practice CyberExams with 8 Premium Marking Credits
- AFT AASH Practice CyberExam Answers and Workings
The Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems syllabus is very broad, covering BGT (Basic Gas Turbines), EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument Systems), FMS (Flight Management Systems) and all aircraft navigation and control systems. These are all discussed in great detail. Special videos on many of the important aspects will be viewed. Aircraft Hydraulic and Electrical Systems are also topics covered during the course.
Advanced Flight Theory has an EFIS Computer Simulator, displayed via large screens. The simulator allows us to show, in real time, a complete flight using the latest in EFIS displays and FMS. Wednesday to the following Thursday are spent learning the subject material, with Practice CyberExams sat on Thursday before the CASA AASA PEXO Exam.
Flight Planning (AFPH) – Distance Learning Only
Study Material Included:
- AFT Flight Planning Course Notes and Revision Tests
- AFT Flight Planning Course Notes Answers and Workings
- AFT AFPH CyberExam Answers and Workings
- Access to AFT’s AFPH Practice CyberExam System
- Access to AFT’s AFPH Random Question Generator System
Performance and Loading (APLH) – Distance Learning Only
Before attempting the ATPL(H) Performance and Loading course, you MUST have completed the ATPL(H) Flight Planning course. The APLH course has been written assuming you have a good understanding of ATPL(H) Flight Planning.
Study Material Included:
- AFT Performance and Loading Notes and Revision Tests
- AFT Performance and Loading Notes and Revision Test Answers and Workings
- AFT APLH CyberExam Answers and Workings
- AFT Weight and Balance Load Sheets
- Part 133 of CASR and MOS
- CASA Advisory Circular AC 133-01 V3.0 Performance Class Ops
Meteorology, Air Law and Human Factors – Distance Learning
You should allow approximately ten days of devoted self study time to cover all of the material required to sit the remaining subjects of Meteorology, Air Law and Human Factors. The study material includes reference material, revision tests, Practice CyberExams.
Meteorology (AMET)
Study Material Included:
- AFT Meteorology Notes, Revision Tests and Answers
- AFT Upper Level Meteorology Notes, Revision Tests and Answers
- AFT Meteorology Additional Revision Tests and Answers
- Bureau of Meteorology – Manual of Aviation Meteorology Textbook
- AFT AMET Practice CyberExams with 8 Standard Marking Credits
- AFT AMET Practice CyberExam Answers
Air Law (AALW)
Study Material Included:
- AFT Air Law Notes and Revision Tests
- AFT Air Law Notes and Revision Tests Answers with References
- CASA Plain English Guide
- AFT AALW Practice CyberExams with 8 Standard Marking Credits
- AFT AALW Practice CyberExam Answers with References
Human Factors (AHUF)
Study Material Included:
- Bob Tait Human Performance and Limitations Notes
- AFT Human Factors Supplementary Notes
- AFT Human Factors Supplementary Notes Answers
- Tony Wilson – Human Performance and Limitations Textbook
- AFT Threat and Error Management Notes
- AFT AHUF Practice CyberExams with 8 Standard Marking Credits
- AFT AHUF Practice CyberExam Answers
Practice CyberExams
All of Advanced Flight Theory’s professional theory courses contain our Practice CyberExams for each subject, including a personalised username and password with eight Marking Credits per subject.
While our Practice CyberExams do not contain actual CASA exam questions, they are designed to ensure you become familiar with the style and workload involved in the actual CASA PEXO Exams and help you become familiar with the layout and format of the exams. The sole purpose of our Practice CyberExam system is to help you determine if you are fully prepared to attempt the actual CASA PEXO Exams for each subject.
Our Practice CyberExams have proven to be very popular with our students. Since our system was first created, we have had over 5000 different aeroplane and helicopter pilots attempt our exams and approximately 25,000 Practice PEXO Exams are sat via our system every year.
Please click here for a demonstration of our system.
ATPL Helicopter – Things You Need
To complete our ATPL(H) Course, you will need to ensure you have all the material needed to complete your study and most importantly, sit your CASA examinations. For a full list of what you need to complete the ATPL exams, please see CASA’s Permitted Material allowed to be taken into Examinations under Part 61.
You need to have the current edition of the following documents to complete the ATPL(H) CASA PEXO Exams:
- AIP Complete
- All ERC High Charts
- All ERC Low Charts
- PCA Chart
- CAR 1988*
- Part 61 of CASR*
- Part 91 of CASR*
- Part 91 MOS*
- Part 121 of CASR*
- Part 121 MOS*
- Part 135 of CASR*
- Part 135 MOS*
- CAO 48.1 Instrument 2019*
- S76 Performance and Operations Handbook (included in the Flight Planning and Performance and Loading course)
- Navigation equipment
- A basic calculator
The CASA Regulatory Documents are not included in your Full Time Ground School or Distance Learning Course fee and can be purchased separately through our online Pilot Supply Shop.
* These documents can be purchased in our AALW Air Law Document Package includes the following printed CASA Documents Permitted Material which has been extracted specifically for the ATPL Air Law Examination by Nathan Higgins. Printed in 2 Binders.
If you are attending a Full Time Ground School course, all of these items can be purchased from our pilot supply shop on the first day of your course, so you do not need to worry about obtaining them before you arrive.
To see the current pricelist and place your order, please visit our online Pilot Supply Shop.
Important Note: Departure and Approach Procedures (DAP) East and West is a permitted reference for the CASA Air Law PEXO Exam, however the main topic covered by the Air Law syllabus that requires reference to DAP East and West is noise curfew procedures and requirements. If you do not already have DAP East and West and wish to avoid the considerable cost of purchasing these documents, you should familiarise yourself with noise curfew procedures before sitting the CASA Air Law PEXO Exam.
How To Enrol
Enrol on our ATPL(H) Full-time Ground School Course for Navigation or Aerodynamics and Aircraft Systems and secure your seat on one of our upcoming courses!
Excellent Service
At Advanced Flight Theory, we are very proud of our great reputation for providing the very best service possible to all of our students. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding enrolment or would like to arrange a personalised study program. We can also provide assistance with your accommodation and administrative arrangements. You can contact us on 1800 000 767 and we will be very happy to assist. You can be assured that no problem is too big or too small for us to handle with expertise.
For specific questions regarding course content and format for ATPL(H) Performance and Loading and ATPL(H) Flight Planning, our ATPL(H) course instructor Warren McIvor, will be very pleased to assist. We continue to make every effort to ensure our course is the most practical and comprehensive available.
Our Guarantee To You
If after attending our full time course, you are not totally prepared to sit the CASA PEXO Exams, or you are having difficulty with any aspect of the course, you are welcome to return and resit all or any part of the course you have paid for once, with no additional course fee. If necessary, you may also resit all or any part of the course more than once, subject to some simple conditions.
We guarantee to stick with you until you achieve your goal.