
Accommodation Options

To simplify the enrolment process, we can make all your accommodation arrangements for you for the duration of your stay.

We make it our priority to ensure every student is comfortable and content with their accommodation. Accommodation is subject to availability, so booking early increases your available accommodation options. While every effort is made to ensure all students accommodation preferences are satisfied, we can’t guarantee this in all cases. If your preferred option is unavailable we will contact you with alternative choices.

An accommodation deposits must be paid before we can secure any accommodation requests. Accommodation deposits are non refundable unless we can arrange another student to take over your room.

All share accommodation is booked in subject blocks as per the course schedule. Once booked, students are liable to pay for the full duration of the subject they have booked in for unless enough notice is given for us to find a student to fill their room. Accommodation will be available from the day before the course starts until the morning of the scheduled CASA Exam Day. Students must adhere to the arrival and departure dates that are confirmed as we have other students arriving and departing throughout the course. If a student would like to extend their stay outside the dates of the subjects attending, this must be arranged with our accommodation co-ordinators directly. Accommodation fees are invoiced by Advanced Flight Theory along with your course fees and are payable on the first day of the course.